Posts Tagged ‘High Pointe Physical Therapy’
I Was Terrified of CrossFit
I’m an athlete at heart – very competitive and willing to put in the work. But I have struggled for the last 15+ years to find an effective workout and diet regime that works for me. I was a team sports girl – softball, volleyball, and basketball. Since that ended for me in high school,…
Physical Therapy Crucial to ACL Recovery
Now here’s a novel idea…get the knee MOVING after an ACL reconstruction as opposed to sticking a patient in a brace;-) I kind of think that this one is a no brainer but I guess there are folks out there that think that surgery will solve all their woes. Remember it’s the hard work after…
Crazy Tape – Is it All in Our Head?
We get asked about taping all the time and I have been reluctant to offer it in the clinic for the reasons cited in this article. Our profession has been moving towards “evidence based practice” and I’ve often wondered if clinics that are offering this technique have done their research about the research that backs…