Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Our staff has always taken extra steps to ensure the cleanliness of our clinic space. If you have ever met Amanda, you know the clinic is surveyed continuously to make sure public areas and restrooms are meticulously scrubbed and well-stocked. We will continue to have hand sanitizer readily available in all public and treatment areas. Our one-on-one model is perfectly suited for social distancing recommendations where patients have their own area to complete sessions without therapists managing multiple patients at once.
We have started to screen patients to minimize exposure even more. Extra steps are being put into place to minimize unnecessary traffic unrelated to the patient and therapist accomplishing their jobs. Starting Monday, March 16th, 2020, we are requesting the parents/caregivers of all pediatric patients to stay in their car if siblings are brought to their child’s treatment session. Please set an alarm 5 minutes before your child’s treatment session ends to come back in the clinic to meet with the therapist. We are well aware this virus does not affect children in the same way it affects adults but children are very efficient spreaders of germs!
The big takeaways regarding coronavirus – stay calm, be smart, and wash your hands well (and frequently). Please scroll down for a quick video on proper hand washing – your best defense against infection and the spread of any virus.
Currently, we are encouraging patients to stay home if they are not feeling well. Please communicate with your therapist about whether a telehealth (remote) visit is a possibility to keep you or your child on track to meeting therapy goals. Otherwise, we are here and ready to see you for your appointments!
Research has shown time and time again that early access to physical therapy is the most cost efficient and effective way to manage many musculoskeletal injuries. In the State of Tennessee, you can directly access physical therapy services without first going to your physician. Please do not overwhelm emergency departments or urgent care centers with your low back pain, shoulder injury, or ankle sprain. Those issues are (and always have been) best treated by physical therapists. We are here and ready to assist you!
If you have any questions about your appointments, please reach out to us.
We are following the recommendations of the CDC, Tennessee Department of Health, and Montgomery County Health Department.
It is very important for our patients to understand they need to get their information from reliable sources. We do NOT recommend trusting any information posted on social media. This includes reposts of articles. Always seek out information directly from the source.
We have compiled a list of reliable sources of information about the coronavirus for you.
Coronavirus Resources:
Tennessee Department of Health Coronavirus Information Page